Law: Anti-Unfair Competition Law 2017 (China)

The right tactics for the right case: how to tailor your litigation strategy to different jurisdictions

Limited financial resources, an uptick in trademark squatting and the growing risks of product piracy in the pharmaceutical space demand a closer look at the different resolution strategies being adopted by litigation experts across the globe.

14 March 2024

Legal Updates you may have missed: food and beverage success stories

We continue our series highlighting recent Legal Updates that you may have missed by looking at success stories in the food and beverage sector - with three of the four cases reviewed involving GIs for alcoholic beverages.

10 January 2024

Chinese courts sanction Ford’s misuse of ‘Cognac’ on automobiles

Ford’s use of the GI ‘Cognac’ for its ‘COGNAC Special Edition’ series was found to constitute unfair competition.

07 December 2023

The Beijing Measure: whether data should be a registered and protected form of intellectual property in China

Featured in Inside China’s IP Market: a Guide 2024

Shenzhen, the Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces and Beijing have enacted data IP registration-related legal documents, responding to calls for the establishment of a data property rights system. Beijing’s efforts highlight it as a pilot area for national data IP work.

27 September 2023

China: What Rights Holders Need to Know About Trademark Prosecution

Featured in The Trademark Prosecution Review 2024

With rocketing levels of applications and registrations, it is crucial that brand owners and practitioners understand what makes China’s trademark prosecution process stand out and best practices for navigating it.

22 September 2023

Specialist Chapter: China’s New Punitive Damages System Bolsters Protection Against Trademark Infringement

Featured in The Trademark Litigation Review 2024

The improvement of relevant laws and regulations makes it easier for courts to reach decisions by laying out necessary steps to precisely calculate punitive damages based on agreed compensation.

25 August 2023

Specialist Chapter: Practitioners in China Turn to Civil Litigation to Combat Trademark Squatters

Featured in The Trademark Litigation Review 2024

In conjunction with the Anti-Unfair Competition Law, administrative and civil procedures help brand owners quash trademark squatting and hoarding. Noteworthy cases further highlight a national focus on proactively preventing the market infiltration or abuse of processes associated with such IP violations.

25 August 2023

Draft revision to Anti-unfair Competition Law - key points highlighted

A significant number of articles relate to the emergence of new forms of unfair practices in the digital economy, while other amendments aim at strengthening the supervision of traditional unfair behaviours.

09 January 2023

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