Industry: Beverages

Second Circuit denies Modelo summary judgment over ambiguous terms in licensing agreement

The scope of the definition of ‘beer’ in a trademark licensing agreement has been called into question after the licensee began selling hard seltzers under the plaintiff’s brand. The court’s summary judgment denial highlights the need for specificity when it comes to defining products in such agreements. 

25 April 2024

Court of Appeal issues decision in NotMilk dispute

The Valdivia Court of Appeal held that NotCo’s packaging and advertising for its NotMilk product did not constitute unfair competition.

19 February 2024

Scotch Whisky GI infringement case clarifies independent rights of registered owners following Madhya Pradesh High Court ruling

The Scotch Whisky Association has filed an infringement suit that sheds light on the interaction between registered owners and authorised users of geographical indications when it comes to the right to sue in India.

15 February 2024

What have we learned from India's biggest cases of 2023?

Local lawyers examine India's 10 most notable trademark cases from the past year.

18 January 2024

Protected food names are in demand: what do producers need to know?

Clear guidance on the value of protected food and drink name status is vital to ensure businesses have the right amount of protection and are prepared to use it when needed, argues this week’s Saturday opinion.

13 January 2024

Legal Updates you may have missed: food and beverage success stories

We continue our series highlighting recent Legal Updates that you may have missed by looking at success stories in the food and beverage sector - with three of the four cases reviewed involving GIs for alcoholic beverages.

10 January 2024

‘Oh deer!’ moment for defendant as Pernod Ricard gets exclusivity over STAG mark

The Delhi High Court found that AB Sugars’ use of the mark INDIAN STAG for alcoholic beverages infringed Pernod Ricard’s rights in the mark ROYAL STAG.

14 December 2023

ARCTIC WATER considered descriptive over 20 years after registration

The decision shows that even trademarks that have been registered for over two decades can be vulnerable to cancellation.

24 November 2023

CJEU considers international jurisdiction over defendants from different member states

The ruling affirms the findings of Nintendo v BigBen regarding the conditions of application of Article 8(1) of Regulation 1215/2012.

06 November 2023

Court of Session Outer House addresses appeal from UKIPO in whisky spat

This is only the second time that the Court of Session in Scotland has considered an appeal from the UKIPO under Section 76 of the Trademarks Act.

02 November 2023

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