Region: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Oppositions in the Western Balkans: what rights holders need to know

When it comes to defending against trademark registrations that could threaten market exclusivity, oppositions are a viable option. There are various legislative processes that potential opponents should be aware of if they wish to commence proceedings in the Western Balkans.

28 March 2024

Filing and maintaining trademarks in the Western Balkans: what rights holders need to know

For rights holders that want to protect their trademarks in the Western Balkans, it is crucial to understand the laws that govern trademark filing and maintenance processes across the region.

07 March 2024

Key differences between trademark regimes in Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina

While the respective trademark regimes of the former Yugoslavian countries of Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina share certain features, they each have essential distinctions which international brand owners should have on their radars.

11 January 2023

How to mitigate undue seizure risk when shipping marked goods to the Balkans

An annual Customs surveillance petition for trademark owners can offer various benefits for trademark owners shipping goods across international borders

10 February 2022

Procedures and strategies for anti-counterfeiting: Western Balkans

Featured in Anti-counterfeiting: A Global Guide 2020

With a population of more than 20 million divided among seven jurisdictions, the Western Balkans has the potential to be fertile ground for the manufacture and distribution of counterfeit goods.

23 April 2020

Procedures and strategies for anti-counterfeiting: Western Balkans

Featured in Anti-counterfeiting: A Global Guide 2019

With a population of more than 20 million divided among seven jurisdictions, the Western Balkans has the potential to be a fertile ground for the production and distribution of counterfeit goods. Due to its geographical location, the Western Balkans is well connected to other regions and continents.

13 May 2019

Western Balkans

Featured in Anti-counterfeiting: A Global Guide 2017

With a population of more than 20 million divided among seven jurisdictions, the Western Balkans has the potential to be a fertile ground for the production and distribution of counterfeit goods.

18 May 2017

Bosnian PTO practice in light of new EU Trademark Regulation

Prior to June 2012, the Institute for Intellectual Property of Bosnia and Herzegovina applied the ‘class heading covers all’ approach when interpreting the scope of protection where class headings are used in lists of goods and services in trademark applications and registrations.

10 June 2016

European Commission: Bosnia making progress in IP area

The European Commission has issued a report on the progress made by Bosnia and Herzegovina in preparing for EU membership. According to the report, some progress has been made over the past year in the area of intellectual property. Among other things, following the adoption of new IP laws, implementing regulations have also been adopted, and the IPO has continued to raise awareness of the importance of IP rights.

03 December 2012

Bad-faith registrations likely to persist despite new law

The new Law on Trademarks, in force as of January 1 2011, lists bad faith as one of the relative grounds for cancellation of a mark. Previously, Bosnia had only one IP law, which contained no provisions on bad-faith trademark applications. However, if the earlier mark is not in actual use in Bosnia, it will be difficult to prove bad faith, especially as the Bosnian Patent and Trademark Office has traditionally favoured local companies.

09 February 2011

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