Organisation: Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys

Professional wellbeing will be personal priority for new CITMA president 

Promoting work-life balance, ensuring attorneys develop effective advocacy skills, and continuing work on address for service and rights of representation are all key priorities for the new Chartered Institute of Trademark Attorneys president, Kelly Saliger. 

09 May 2024

UKIPO taking “more proactive approach” to address for service rule, CITMA members told 

The UKIPO says that it has “significantly increased” its address for service (AFS) checks, in a document shared with CITMA members. 

07 May 2024

The Smiley Company offers a case study on how to raise IP awareness with a simple brand

In this week’s opinion column, CITMA vice president Kelly Saliger draws on the history of the Smiley Company to demonstrate how simple case studies can help to raise IP awareness.

02 March 2024

Consumers deserve protection – but our most innovative companies are at risk of being let down by our IP system

CITMA president Rachel Wilkinson-Duffy takes aim at what she considers the UK system’s biggest flaw, in this week’s Saturday opinion column.

17 June 2023

CITMA calls for urgent action from UK government to fix system “under strain”

The UK Chartered Institute of Trademark Attorneys calls for tighter rules of representation to address the damages being wrought by unregulated trademark agents.

07 June 2023

Brexit: UKIPO launches consultation to protect UK attorneys in change to address rules

The UK Intellectual Property Office has launched a public consultation with regard to a proposed change to its address for service rules, to be implemented once the Brexit transition period ends.

28 July 2020

UK election: parties silent on brand protection issues as campaigns focus on Brexit

Major UK political parties are sharing their policy platforms in the hopes of attracting the British electorate’s vote. However, when asked by WTR about their stance on various brand protection issues, most parties are silent.

21 November 2019

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