Data Analysis

Watching the watchers

WTR asks users to have their say on how the nonlegaltrademark services industry is meeting theirneeds, and asks vendors to respond to user concernsand requests

31 October 2013

OHIM users have their say on a year of change in European trademarks

As part of our annual OHIM focus, WTR polled theoffice’s top filers to gauge their perception of itsperformance and address some of the most pressingissues in the European trademark industry – andasked OHIM to provide an update on its activities

02 September 2013

Working overtime – trademark counsel’s efforts to push brands up the boardroom agenda

Now in its fifth year, the WTR Global BenchmarkingSurvey takes the pulse of the industry. While it is truethat the hard times are far from over, some positiveshave come out of adversity – not least a greatercorporate appreciation of trademark value. But there’sstill plenty of work to be done

18 April 2013

Square pegs in round holes or the perfect fit?

WTR’s second annual non-legal trademark servicessurvey assesses industry needs and asks whether –against a backdrop of squeezed budgets, growingworkloads and an increasingly complex trademarkenvironment – service providers are meeting theneeds of their clients

30 October 2012

OHIM – the users' perspective

For the past six years, the October/November issue of WTR has taken an in-depth look at the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM), seeking the views of the top representative filers and then asking OHIM to respond to user queries. This year, the research has been expanded to include the views of brand-owning filers on what has been another busy year in Alicante

03 September 2012

Recovery time – the impact of economic conditions on trademark practice

Since its launch in 2009, the Global Trademark Benchmarking Survey has revealed the brutal effects of the global economic downturn for trademark teams and counsel. This year, there are tentative signs of a rebound. But is all as it seems?

19 April 2012

At your service

Budgets are shrinking, workloads are rising and infringement is omnipresent. Against this background, accessing strategic non-legal trademark services has become increasingly crucial. But how is the industry meeting user demand and what does the future hold? In an exclusive survey, WTR polled trademark professionals for their thoughts on how the sector is matching up to their expectations, and put the responses to service providers

01 November 2011

OHIM the year in review

It has been a hectic year in Alicante. While continuing its coreactivities, OHIM came under new leadership, commencedinternal restructuring and found itself at the heart of debateon the future of the European trademark system. In this articleWTR identifies the top filers and canvasses opinion on OHIM’sperformance and the big issues of the day

01 September 2011

Rewriting the contract between in-house and external counsel

This year’s Global Benchmarking Survey reveals thechanging fee structures of trademark legal servicesand where brand owners are expecting more of theirexternal counsel. For exclusive statistics andenlightening opinions, read on

04 May 2011

A foot in the door Getting trademarks on the corporate agenda

As the world’s only magazine dedicated to trademarklaw and practice, WTR is uniquely positioned to takethe pulse of the industry. Our second annual GlobalTrademark Survey illuminates exactly wheretrademarks stand in the corporate structure

04 May 2010

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