Organisation: Dolby

“We must foster a culture of inclusivity”: IP leaders call for faster industry change

More needs to be done to foster a fair and inclusive working environment, argue high-profile women IP leaders, in this week’s opinion column.

09 March 2024

How do we get more women into IP?

We speak to 26 women leaders about how they made their first foray into IP, and how the industry has changed since.

08 March 2024

International Women’s Day: overcoming the obstacles to success

Twenty-six influential women in IP share the hardships they had to overcome to rise to leadership positions in a male-dominated industry.

08 March 2024

IP’s most influential women offer career tips for aspiring leaders

From the director of the USPTO to the CEO of IPwe, 26 influential women offer their advice to younger professionals aspiring for greatness.

07 March 2024

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