EU customs applications skyrocket in 2015

EU customs applications skyrocket in 2015

The European Commission’s latest annual report into EU customs enforcement has found that the amount of suspected counterfeit articles seized by authorities rose by 15% year on year, with the number of applications for action up by a startling 59% across the same period.

The report, entitled “EU Customs Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights: Results at the EU Border in 2015”, also reveals that the total value of all detained suspected counterfeit goods in the European Union last year was €642 million, an increase from €617 million the previous year. A total of 40.7 million suspected counterfeit items were detained – a rise of over 5 million compared to 2014.

Of those items, the majority were seized in Greece (6.4 million, up 775% from 2014), France (6.3 million, up 40%), the Netherlands (5.1 million, up 117%), Romania (4.7 million, up 53%) and Slovenia (3.2 million, up 535%). In terms of where they originated from, China remains top (with 41% of seized goods originating there), followed by Montenegro (17%), Hong Kong (9%), Malaysia (9%) and Benin (8%) (with the report noting that Montenegro placed so high because of large seizures of counterfeit cigarettes).

Cigarettes were the most seized product category overall, accounting for 27% of detained goods (with toys, food and labels/tags next in the list, all below 10%). There were also significant year-on-year differences in the types of product being detained. Categories with a fall of at least 50% included alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, jewellery and CD/DVDs; while categories with a significant increase (of at least 50%) included foodstuffs, sunglasses, handbags and vehicle accessories.

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