IP Law Galli

The firm IP LAW GALLI was founded in 2004 and is still directed by the lawyer. prof. Cesare Galli, holder of the chair of industrial law in the faculty of law of the University of Parma and former partner of Studio Vanzetti e Associati, in which he worked from 1986 to 2003.

Born as a highly specialized "excellence" firm in the IP sector and characterized by a rigorously market-oriented approach, aimed at making the most of the procedural tools to obtain positive results in the shortest possible time, the Firm, thanks to the strong personal imprint of the its founder, firmly maintains this approach, but without neglecting the importance of having a team of strong professionalism able to coordinate with the leader with shared objectives and methods and to move in a predominantly international context, but at the same time with a strong roots in the most significant areas of the economic life of our country.


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