IP offices and government

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The view from down under

Australia is a wealthy, brand-focused country. For the well-preparedtrademark owner, this is very good news

10 July 2007

The Madrid Protocol – mysteries and myths

2006 was a bumper year for trademark registrations, particularly registrations made using theMadrid Protocol. However, the impressive figures conceal a lingering mistrust of the protocol in somenon-signatory countries, suggesting that there are still several myths and misapprehensionssurrounding the protocol that need to be dispelled

03 May 2007

The United Arab Emirates: a centre for Middle East trademark protection

A key trade hub, a booming economy and a commitmentto protecting IP rights mean that the UAE is an importantjurisdiction in which to register and enforce trademarkrights. The creation of a new IP Unit at Dubai Customs isa further sign that the UAE is getting tough on infringers

03 May 2007

Gearing up to becoming an IP nation

The Japanese government’s ambition to achieveeconomic growth through the development ofintellectual property puts a lot of pressure on thecountry’s IP office

03 May 2007

Europe’s trademark powerhouse bounces back

Germany is an important player in the global economyand the home of a significant number of high-profilebrands, but in recent years the market for trademarklegal services has slowed down. Now, however, it lookslike things could be improving

20 March 2007

Dealing with the German boom

The German Patent and Trademark Office faces anumber of challenges, including a surge in applicationsand the need to tackle backlogs. But senior staff areconfident they are up to the job

20 March 2007

A Russian revolution

Although IP laws were among the first statutes tobe adopted after the disintegration of the SovietUnion, they did not work overnight. The localeconomy needed to grow first and people needed toget used to a new reality. But the perception remainsthat the current situation still reflects the early daysof the new regime, even though significant progresshas been made in the field of IP protection

19 March 2007

Why Mexico matters

Mexico has a developing market for legal services inrelation to trademarks, which has doubled over the past10 years. Filings from foreign mark owners have beenthe mainstay of business for many of the big players,but the likely ratification of the Madrid Protocol andother changes may see a change of emphasis

19 March 2007

Counterfeiters hit hard

On August 25 2006 a US district court sentenced twoChinese nationals to 97 months and 87 monthsrespectively in federal prison – a rare instance inwhich individuals convicted of trademarkcounterfeiting have been sentenced to significant jailtime. Counsel for the plaintiffs tells the story of howan ambitious and complex operation had a successfuloutcome for the brand owners

19 March 2007

The truth about trademarks in China

Probably no country in the world has had its trademark regime moreheavily scrutinized than China. Even so, it can be hard to separate factfrom fiction. In this roundtable, four experts give it a go

19 March 2007

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