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Shaping trademark case law for Europe

In the 10 years since the launch of the CTM system,the EU courts and the Boards of Appeal have producedan impressive body of case law covering areas such asregistration, use, validity and enforcement

17 March 2007

Finding its feet: 10 years of OHIM practice

Created out of a void, the pan-European system oftrademark registrations run by OHIM has exceededall expectations in the numbers of applications filedas well as in the way it has impacted on trademarkowners’ protection strategies in Europe

17 March 2007

Trademark managementThe changing face of trademark management

Technical and legal changes to trademarkregistration allow trademark professionalsto move away from the administrativeaspects of portfolio management andfocus on the role of trademarks in thebusiness. This changing role calls for fullydedicated trademark professionals and abudget to match

17 March 2007

Reflecting on the CTM

One of the founding fathers of the CTM system giveshis views on how the system came to be and its first10 years of existence

17 March 2007

OHIM and the CTM – the practitioner’s perspective

As the CTM celebrates its 10th anniversary, practitionersbelieve that it has been a success. However, that does notmean there is not room for improvement

17 March 2007

A European success story

It is 10 years since the Community trademark was launched. Since then,it has helped transform European trademark practice. Experiencedpractitioners from the United Kingdom, Germany, Poland and Italydiscuss the impact it has had

16 March 2007

Indian courts’ change of course is good news for trademark owners

With 1 billion potential consumers and awell-established legal framework, India has longbeen viewed as an important emerging market.However, it is only since the judiciary shook off itsconservative approach in the past few years thatreal progress has been made

16 March 2007

CAFTA changes trademark regimes across Central America

While some argue that the inclusion of externalIP policy in US trade agreements puts added pressureon negotiating nations, the fact remains that thisstrategy works since it protects US interests andbenefits local economies. The agreement signed withthe Dominican Republic and Central Americancountries is a case in point

16 March 2007

Down under, trademarks are on the up

With record levels of trademark applications, this is atesting time for Australia’s national IP office – butlegislative, policy and technological innovation shouldsee IP Australia pass with flying colours

16 March 2007

It’s fun to stay at the INTA

Practitioners go because of the opportunities tomeet their clients or agents, network and updatetheir trademark education. But when it comes downto it, what makes the INTA meeting so special andsuccessful is the people themselves

16 March 2007

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