IP offices and government

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Keeping up with the neighbours

Mexico is a big country so it is little surprise that it hasa national IP office to match. With four regional officesand an unusually broad remit, the Mexican Instituteof Industrial Property is leading the way in protectingand promoting the country’s trademarks

19 March 2007

The changing face of CTM litigation

An ECJ decision issued in July 2006 has brought an endto forum shopping in cross-border patent litigation inEurope. There could be major consequences for CTMowners too

19 March 2007

Trademark managementPlaying with the oddities of the EU system

National trademarks within the EuropeanUnion supposedly offer the same level ofprotection as the same sign registeredas a Community trademark, albeit for alimited territory. But some oddities in thesystem mean that, in the case of Benelux,a national registration may offer morepossibilities than a Community one

19 March 2007

Trademark law gets Brazilian treatment

The landscape of trademark practice in Brazil ischanging rapidly, with the national IP office constantlyadopting measures to try and improve trademarkprosecution – often with mixed results – and variousstate and federal bodies moving up a few gears in thefight against counterfeiting

19 March 2007

Peak performance: the Swiss trademarks market

Famous the world over for its neutrality and efficiency,Switzerland has a thing or two to teach theinternational community about resolving trademarkdisputes. Its legal market for trademark services is alsoone that rights holders would be cuckoo to ignore

18 March 2007

Bulgaria and Romania are on the right track

With the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to theEuropean Union set to occur on January 1 2007, the bigquestion is whether the two countries are ready to taketheir place in the CTM system. While there is still somework to do, the signs are that they are both wellprepared to meet the challenges ahead

18 March 2007

Rising to new challenges

A mature market and effective laws do not guaranteethat Japan will become the world's most advancedIP-based nation. However, new case law and recentchanges to trademark legislation will prove veryhelpful in helping the country to meet the challengeits political leaders have set

18 March 2007

Working like clockwork

The Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Propertyhandles an awful lot with a staff of only 220individuals. Besides the traditional functions ofexamination and registration of IP rights, the institutealso elaborates Swiss IP policy and promotes Swiss IPinterests at international level

18 March 2007

The view onlineWikipedia – A valid source for trademark matters?

A legal storm is brewing over the use ofWikipedia, the online encyclopaedia, as avalid source in trademark decisions, as wellas general legal matters. While Wikipediahas been cited by numerous US federal courtopinions in the last year and in three recentdecisions of the USPTO Trademark Trial andAppeal Board, is it acceptable to use a sourcethat is a moving target, changeable byalmost anyone at almost any time?

17 March 2007

The Latin perspective

Countries in Latin America are of increasing importance to trademarkowners. In this roundtable, practitioners from four of the region’s mostimportant jurisdictions discuss the latest developments

17 March 2007

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