Work Area: Law Firm Management

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Last chance to take part in WTR's benchmarking survey: have your say before it's too late

There's only a few days left for the trademark community to share insights and opinions as part of WTR's long-running benchmarking survey.

17 April 2023

The development of China’s legal landscape offers clues to the future of foreign firms in India

This week’s Saturday opinion piece considers how foreign law firms could approach the Indian market now that it is opening up - with history elsewhere offering vital clues on what the landscape could look like.

15 April 2023

Time running out to share your views in WTR's benchmarking survey

Members of the trademark community have a couple of weeks left to share their insights as part of WTR's long-running benchmarking survey.

07 April 2023

Your input is needed: participate in WTR's Global Trademark Benchmarking Survey

All in-house and private practice members of the trademark community are invited to share their insights and opinions as part of WTR's long-running survey.

31 March 2023

New rules allowing foreign lawyers in India met with mixed sentiment  

International firms react with excitement, but local lawyers say it is too soon to predict impact without further clarifications

30 March 2023

Norway fee changes; Foot Locker brand reset; UKIPO launches Wallace & Gromit competition – news digest

In our latest round-up, we look at how the Frosties brand fell victim to new UK regulations, an invitation to participate in Mongolian customs training, and much more.

24 March 2023

The state of the trademark industry: take a few minutes to have your say

WTR has launched its annual Global Trademark Benchmarking Survey, designed to give trademark practitioners the opportunity to share their opinion on the industry.

23 March 2023

Recessions, counterfeiting and Web3: industry experts offer tips to overcome the latest brand protection challenges

In-house leaders, law firm experts and industry specialists share their insights at WTR's Trademark Summit Europe.

20 March 2023

Trends and changes in the trademark industry: share your perspective

WTR is seeking the insights of IP professionals as part of our annual Global Trademark Benchmarking Survey in an effort to get an accurate picture of the trademark sector.

17 March 2023

Malaysian IP practice has “no glass ceiling”, but why are younger female lawyers leaving?

Maxis IP specialist Kimberly Tey discusses gender representation and women leaders in the legal field.

10 March 2023

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