Region: Luxembourg

Specialist Chapter: Benelux Sees Surge in Post-Pandemic Trademark Filings

Featured in The Trademark Prosecution Review 2024

Trademark and design filings in the Benelux remained strong throughout the pandemic years, making it more crucial than ever to have a robust understanding of the unified trademark law and how to enforce rights.

27 October 2023

“Proud heritage, bright future” – what the Benelux IP Office has planned for 2023 and beyond

In an exclusive guest post, the deputy director general of the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property, Hugues Derème, reveals some of the upcoming initiatives the office has planned.

01 December 2022

Benelux: Trademark procedures and strategies

Featured in World Trademark Review Yearbook 2022/2023

The Benelux Convention on Intellectual Property does not provide for protection of unregistered trademarks, the only exception being the protection of well-known marks as prescribed by the Paris Convention. When no registration exists, no trademark rights can be invoked. Timely registration is therefore of the essence.

21 October 2022

Exclusive roundtable – how four leading IP offices are cracking down on scams and fraudulent activity

Scams targeting trademark owners are fast becoming commonplace and increasingly sophisticated. Four leading IP offices share their insights on which scams are most prevalent, what you can do to stay safe, the resources on offer to help and how offices are collaborating across borders to fight fraudsters.

05 August 2021

Jurisdictional perspective: Benelux

Featured in Special Report 2021 Q1: The rise of mass filers and register clutter

Two trademark experts in the Netherlands – Turnstone attorney Michiel Haegens and Leeway attorney at law Jos Klaus – reflect on the impact of Gleissner’s activities on the Benelux IP ecosystem.

08 April 2021

Innovation at the Benelux IP Office: spotlight on cutting-edge tools and services

Featured in IP office tools and services

In an exclusive guest post, the Benelux IP Office reveals its innovative non-core tools and services for trademark users – and some of those planned for the future.

09 March 2021

Benelux Trademark Attorney Firm of the Year: Arnold & Siedsma

Featured in The Global IP Awards: Key Insights from IP Leaders 2020

30 March 2020

Trademark procedures and strategies: Benelux

Featured in World Trademark Review Yearbook 2020/2021

No separate trademark laws exist in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg.

05 March 2020

Passing the baton: a new era at BOIP

As a new director general of the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property takes over, a new era at the registry begins. To mark this change, representatives from the office look at what the future is likely to bring.

01 May 2019

Benelux Trademark Attorney Firm of the Year: Chiever

Featured in The Global IP Awards: Key Insights from IP Leaders 2019

25 April 2019

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