Michael Gleissner involved in 5% of all live contested UK trademark cases

Michael Gleissner involved in 5% of all live contested UK trademark cases

In a decision described by one trademark attorney as “good news for brand owners”, the UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) has upheld an earlier decision which dismissed entrepreneur Michael Gleissner’s attempt to register the common name ALEXANDER as a trademark. The decision includes the revelation that entities related to Gleissner account for 5% of all live contested trademark cases in the United Kingdom.

German-born film director Gleissner has become notorious among trademark owners for his rampant filing activity across the globe, resulting in many brands becoming embroiled in opposition and cancellation actions. On January 24 2018, the UKIPO upheld a decision which dismissed an attempt to register the term ALEXANDER as a trademark by a Gleissner-related entity, CKL Holdings NV.

The decision referenced statements from the hearing officer in the initial decision, Allan James, including that there is an “absence of any apparent commercial logic for the filing pattern of the applicant and/or Mr Gleissner’s other companies”. The office also revealed that, as of November 30 2017, entities related to Gleissner were party to 97 live contested trademark cases before the UKIPO – 5% of all such cases in the United Kingdom.

Reflecting on the latest decision, Tania Clark, partner and trademark attorney at Withers & Rogers, concluded that it was “good news for brand owners”, adding: “Gleissner’s activities have been frustrating trademark systems and his actions have not gone unnoticed.”

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