Region: Montenegro

Oppositions in the Western Balkans: what rights holders need to know

When it comes to defending against trademark registrations that could threaten market exclusivity, oppositions are a viable option. There are various legislative processes that potential opponents should be aware of if they wish to commence proceedings in the Western Balkans.

28 March 2024

Key 2023 trademark updates in Albania, Montenegro and Slovenia

It is crucial that brand owners are aware of the legislative changes that came into force last year in the Western Balkans. A deep understanding of these developments will ensure effective trademark management and compliance going forward.

04 January 2024

Montenegro aligns its trademark regime with EU standards

The Balkan country has amended and modernised its national trademark law, harmonising new IP regulations with EU norms with regard to registration, opposition and protection.

06 July 2023

Montenegro amends trademark and patent laws - what you need to know

Recent amendments to the trademark laws introduce important novelties, including the removal of the graphical representation requirement and the expansion of the list of absolute grounds for refusal.

06 April 2023

Key differences between trademark regimes in Montenegro and North Macedonia

Despite their shared history as former republics of Yugoslavia, the two countries take distinct approaches to trademark registration, protection, renewal and opposition, which shape their respective IP landscapes and impact international brand owners.

02 March 2023

Procedures and strategies for anti-counterfeiting: Western Balkans

Featured in Anti-counterfeiting: A Global Guide 2020

With a population of more than 20 million divided among seven jurisdictions, the Western Balkans has the potential to be fertile ground for the manufacture and distribution of counterfeit goods.

23 April 2020

Procedures and strategies for anti-counterfeiting: Western Balkans

Featured in Anti-counterfeiting: A Global Guide 2019

With a population of more than 20 million divided among seven jurisdictions, the Western Balkans has the potential to be a fertile ground for the production and distribution of counterfeit goods. Due to its geographical location, the Western Balkans is well connected to other regions and continents.

13 May 2019

Jamaica approves protection of GIs, Montenegro joins TMView and United Kingdom ratifies Hague Agreement: news round-up

In today's round-up, we look predictions for the next round of gTLDs, the UK’s IP Crime Unit urging the public to “treat mum right” by avoiding fakes, and much more.

13 March 2018

Western Balkans

Featured in Anti-counterfeiting: A Global Guide 2017

With a population of more than 20 million divided among seven jurisdictions, the Western Balkans has the potential to be a fertile ground for the production and distribution of counterfeit goods.

18 May 2017

Amended laws on patents, trademarks and industrial designs enter into force

The amended laws on patents, trademarks and industrial designs entered into force on January 18 2017. While most amendments concern the alignment of terminology with the new Law on Administrative Proceedings, there are two significant changes: all three laws introduce the possibility of filing administrative proceedings against decisions of the IPO, and the amended trademark law now allows parties to suspend opposition proceedings while negotiating an agreement.

13 February 2017

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