Region: North America

'' panel considers surrounding circumstances to determine bad faith

In <i>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation v Quon</i>, a three-member panel of the Canadian Internet Registration Authority has opened the way for trademark owners to point to surrounding circumstances in cases where the domain name registrant's activities may not fall squarely within one of the three bad-faith factors mentioned in CIRA's Dispute Resolution Policy.

06 June 2003

No stopping use of BOSTON MARKET before trial

In <i>Boston Pizza International Inc v Boston Market Corporation</i>, the Federal Court of Canada has refused to grant an interlocutory injunction against the defendant so as to prevent its pre-trial use of the mark BOSTON MARKET in association with restaurant services and the sale of prepared foods.

02 June 2003

American Sporting Goods gets the boot

In <i>American Sporting Goods Corporation v Sears Canada Inc</i>, the Federal Court of Canada has upheld the registrar of trademarks' decision to refuse the plaintiff's application to register the term 'Nevados' as a trademark for footwear. Sears Canada thereby successfully protected its mark NEVADA for the same goods.

28 May 2003

Toys "R" Us loses twice to NUTS trademark applicant

In two decisions in opposition proceedings issued on the same day, the Federal Court of Canada has ruled for the defendant in <i>Toys "R" Us (Canada) Ltd v Manjel Inc</i>, finding that the registration and use of the trademark NUTS 'R' US does not infringe the TOYS "R" US mark.

19 May 2003

Labatt wins 12-year Oland Export dispute

In <i>Labatt Brewing Company Limited v Molson Canada</i>, the Federal Court Trial Division has found the term 'Oland Export', for use in association with beer, to be registrable on the basis of acquired distinctiveness. The case, which lasted for more than a decade, is the latest in a series of disputes between these two parties regarding trademarks for beer.

16 May 2003

CDRP 'bad-faith' test wider than first thought

Two decisions issued under the Canadian Internet Registration AuthorityDomain Name Dispute Resolution Policy may help to clarify its 'bad-faith' test.The panellist in one case held that trademark infringement alone was sufficientevidence of bad-faith registration, while in the other, a clear lack of a legitimateinterest in a domain name was found to constitute bad faith.

12 May 2003

Pill refused combination colour-shape mark

In <i>Astrazeneca AB v Novopharm Ltd</i>, the Federal Court of Appeal has ruled that "a yellow colour applied to the whole of the visible surface of a round tablet" containing a blood pressure medication is not sufficiently distinctive to be registrable as a trademark because there are numerous other round, yellow tablets sold in Canada for the same ailment.

25 April 2003

BOSTON CHICKEN plucked from registry

The Federal Court of Appeal has overruled a decision to maintain the registration of the trademark BOSTON CHICKEN, finding that it lacks distinctiveness. In reaching this conclusion, the court expressly rejected foreign use of a mark as being the basis to acquire distinctiveness in Canada.

11 April 2003

Definition of 'use' expanded to cover market testing

In <i>ConAgra Foods Inc v Fetherstonaugh & Co</i>, the Federal Court has reversed the trademark registrar's decision to cancel for non-use ConAgra's KID CUISINE mark. The court ruled that ConAgra's transfer of marked sample goods to be used for market testing constituted 'use' for the purposes of the Canadian Trademarks Act.

02 April 2003

Summary judgment refused, as Anne of Green Gables dispute rolls on

The Federal Court of Canada has refused a motion for summary judgment regarding Anne of Green Gables Licensing Authority Inc's adoption, use and assignment of certain official marks. The court was reluctant to issue summary judgment without a detailed examination of whether or not the company is a public authority entitled to use official marks.

19 March 2003

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