Region: Norway

I’m Blue (Da Ba Dee): Oslo District Court recognises colour mark protection for chocolate

It is arguably the first time that a brand owner has successfully established and enforced a colour mark at this level. 

01 July 2024

Bindings and brands: how industry giants took skiing to court

In this dispute between ski binding manufacturers, the Borgarting Court of Appeal has upheld the lower court’s decision that Atomic’s mark MOVER was invalid – but on different grounds.

04 April 2024

Import of three counterfeit Hermès sweaters for private use does not constitute trademark infringement

The judgment clarifies when the import of counterfeit products into Norway will constitute trademark infringement, and who bears the burden of proving the purpose of the purchase.

26 February 2024

More USPTO AI guidance; Norway fee changes; Germany copyright expansion – IP office updates

In our latest update, we look at trademark filings declining at the French IP office, WIPO furthering IP initiatives in Central America, IP offices returning from Lunar New Year celebrations, and much more.

14 February 2024

How amendments to the Trademark Act have helped align Norway with the rest of Europe

Amendments to the Norwegian Trademark Act, which entered into force on 1 March 2023, have brought the country into line with current European legislation and directives. Exploring some of these changes reveals how they may impact registration decision making.

04 January 2024

ARCTIC WATER considered descriptive over 20 years after registration

The decision shows that even trademarks that have been registered for over two decades can be vulnerable to cancellation.

24 November 2023

Oslo District Court overturns KFIR’s decision in ELTORQUE case

While the mark did not meet the conditions for registration for all the goods and services applied for, it was sufficiently distinctive for goods that are not electrically powered or do not involve rotational movement.

20 October 2023

Appeal court finds that unauthorised Harry Potter concerts do not infringe Warner Bros’ trademark

Use of the name Harry Potter in Star Entertainment’s Harry Potter-themed concerts was found to be merely descriptive of the concerts’ content.

14 September 2023

Norwegian IP owners may pursue international infringement matters before the Norwegian courts

The decision opens the possibility of pursuing international infringement cases before the Norwegian courts where both parties are Norwegian registered companies. 

20 June 2023

Appeal court confirms that Verisure’s ZEROVISION mark is descriptive for smoke machines and security systems

The court emphasised that the mark means ‘zero visibility’ or ‘see nothing’, which coincides with the characteristics and intended purpose of the goods.

09 May 2023

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