Trademark-related quotes, opinions and observations from around the globe

Trademark-related quotes, opinions and observations from around the globe

“Since the Philips/Nokia ruling (C‑446 and495/09) in 2011, under EU law EuropeanCustoms can check counterfeit goodstransiting through the EU but can onlystop them if there is a risk of these goodsentering into the Single Market. This meansin practice that customs are powerlessagainst counterfeit goods on route to a thirdcountry, and must let them go, at the riskof these goods being illegally diverted backinto the EU. The new provisions adoptedtoday will allow Customs to stop trademarkcounterfeit goods even if destined to acountry outside the EU, and will not affectthe trade of legitimate goods under the EU’sWTO international obligations. Likewise,these provisions ensure that genuinegeneric medicines will reach their finaldestination. With this vote, the EuropeanParliament signals that it is serious aboutstopping trademark counterfeits to protectconsumers everywhere and that the EUshould show leadership in the global fightagainst counterfeiting.”


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