Region: Turkey

How to scale anti-counterfeiting to thousands of cases annually

Featured in Anti-counterfeiting and Online Brand Enforcement: Global Guide 2024

IP crime amounts to 2.5% of world trade, and the rise of online marketplaces has only made it easier for unauthorised sellers to profit from counterfeit goods. A mass targeted enforcement trial in Türkiye has proven effective at resolving cases quickly, but it remains to be seen whether this strategy could be implemented in other jurisdictions. 

24 June 2024

Court of Cassation decision shows importance of trademark use to enjoy protection based on ‘vested rights’ principle 

The court considered whether the earlier mark fulfilled the five-year use requirement – and not only whether it had been registered for five years – to decide whether there was a vested right in favour of its owner.

18 June 2024

Advertisement Board: use of competitors' trademarks as keywords leads to unfair competition

The board imposed a suspension on advertisements in which a company's trade name or trademark is used as a keyword by competitors, on the ground that such advertisements are misleading to consumers. 

06 June 2024

Video games: TÜRKPATENT decisions are promising for broader brand protection in Türkiye 

Two recent rejections by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office could be good news for video games publishers that face trademark squatting before owning any registered rights in Türkiye.

09 May 2024

How the concept of the relevant consumer could shift in the metaverse under the Turkish classification system

While revised guidelines from the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office aim to distinguish between types of consumers when it comes to buying goods and services, the metaverse raises questions about how to apply the guidance to classes of products and trademarks in the virtual space.

09 May 2024

Türkiye introduces cancellation fee; USPTO announces Inclusive Innovation strategy; Bolivia launches chatbot – IP office updates

In this latest update, we look at Myanmar publishing its first list of trademark applications, Latin American offices pledging to strengthen cooperation, and much more.

08 May 2024

Constitutional Court eases procedural burden by annulling key mediation rule

The decision aims to ensure a fair balance of benefits for both parties during mediation proceedings. 

01 May 2024

‘Deferment of announcement of verdict’ institution regulated again: potential impact for rights holders

Pursuant to the introduction of a new regulation, HAGB decisions will be subject to further appeal as of 1 June 2024, which will have an impact on brand protection strategies. 

19 April 2024

PTO issues exemplary decision clarifying concept of ‘bad faith’ 

The PTO examined all factors in evaluating the applicant’s bad faith, including the originality of the opponent’s mark and the use of that mark abroad.

10 April 2024

Refining the ‘’ domain allocation: what you need to know

The “Procedures and Principles for the Allocation of Domain Names with the ‘’ Structure” outline the roadmap for implementation, dividing ‘’ domain names into three categories.

08 March 2024

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