Uexküll & Stolberg

As a renowned Intellectual Property boutique, we are committed to creating, maintaining and defending your Intellectual Property rights. We represent our clients before the relevant Intellectual Property Offices and Courts, in Germany, in Europe and on an international level. For this reason, we have built up and can rely on a large network of foreign associate attorneys which serves to best defend your interests abroad.

We have steadily grown over the years. The two founders of the firm were chemists and patent attorneys. Over the years, patent attorneys with a technical background in physics, mechanical and electrical engineering as well as biotechnology and chemistry joined the firm, allowing the firm to offer comprehensive patent consulting services in all technical fields.

Attorneys of the firm have earned a high reputation in representing clients before the European Patent Office and the German Courts. Advising clients in contentious proceedings, often with international involvement, is a core activity of our firm.

Attorneys-at-law experienced in trademark, design and unfair competition law have become part of the firm´s team since 1999.


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