Organisation: WIPO

Are algorithms making trademarks obsolete?

A new academic paper argues that algorithms which do our shopping for us should make brand professionals consider how trademarks hold their value when no one sees them.

24 February 2024

Register Tracker Asia-Pacific: September-December 2023

Featured in Trademark register tracker

WTR analyses trademark filing trends at major Asia-Pacific registers. 

22 February 2024

WIPO cybersquatting cases grow by 7% to reach new record in 2023

Recent statistics show that the UDRP continues to be an attractive alternative to filing court cases across various jurisdictions.

22 February 2024

Register Tracker Europe and North America: September-December 2023

Featured in Trademark register tracker

WTR analyses trademark filing trends at major North American and European registers. 

20 February 2024

Record UDRP filings; ICANN reveals registrant data request levels: Domain Watch (February 2024)

Our monthly column covers recent developments in internet policy, governance and use.

19 February 2024

auDRP denial highlights evidentiary burden on complainants

Assertion of trademark rights alone will not suffice if there is insufficient evidence linking the registration to bad faith.

15 February 2024

How to protect well-known marks in Myanmar

Rouse principal Moe Mynn Thu explains everything trademark owners need to know about new levels of protection in Myanmar.

12 February 2024

‘’ dispute: living on the edge of bad faith

While several elements of this case meant that it initially appeared winnable for the complainant, the panel concluded that bad-faith registration on the respondent’s part had not been proven.

09 February 2024

Sanofi’s collegiate approach to combatting genericism

Representatives from global healthcare company Sanofi speak to WTR about their recent efforts to protect the company's NANOBODY trademark from genericism.

05 February 2024

Why Madrid may not be your best strategy in the US

Potomac Law Group partners argue the main disadvantages of Madrid Protocol filings in the United States.

27 January 2024

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