WTR 01

WTR 01

WTR 01

Making sense of China

Problems, recurrent and new, hindering the
enforcement of rights continue to obscure the horizon
for mark owners operating in or wishing to enter the
Chinese market. However, positive developments are
brightening the landscape and should also be

Linda Chang and Elliot Papageorgiou

ECJ’s Coty decision a major win for luxury brands but question marks remain for other sectors

The European Court of Justice handed down its much-anticipated Coty judgment this week, ruling that brand owners may restrict the online sales of their products through third-party platforms.

Cuba issues first consumer protection rules, IHOB “a flop”, and cost of a country rebrand: news round-up

In our latest round-up, we look at Alibaba and Kantar teaming up to redefine brand building in China, Ukraine's institution of IP inspectors, the musician ordered to pay $2 million for trademark infringement, and more.


Brands from the frontlineDealing with copycats

Each industry has its specific trademarkchallenges – for fast-moving consumergoods it is dealing with copycats.Monitoring new legislation and dealingwith competing retailers are two keyaspects of the in-house counsel’s role inmeeting this challenge.

The view onlineFalse WHOIS information – is enough being done?

Accurate WHOIS information is crucialfor mark owners to identify onlineinfringers. However, around 5% of domainnames issued in the United States areregistered using “patently false” contactinformation, making it difficult orimpossible to contact the sites’ owners.

Trademark managementTrademark audits – what you need to know

Trademarks are not static so it isimportant that companies review theirportfolios on a regular basis. Too oftenthough, this does not happen. Thus, it isimperative that a company’s trademarkassets are reviewed regularly.

Counterfeiting perspectivesThe same problem but different priorities

Trademark owners, governments and lawenforcement agencies all claim to want toeradicate IP crime. The problem is theyfind it difficult to work together toachieve their aims.


The state of the Union

It has been a busy period for US trademark owners. In this roundtablediscussion, four US practitioners talk through some of the major issuesto have emerged over the last few years.


The case for Canada

Canada is a G8 country with a distinctive trademarksystem and a competitive market for legal services.Throw in a long, heavily populated border with theUnited States and you have a jurisdiction that fewrights owners can afford to ignore.

Nortel builds a trademark strategy for the 21st century

A marketing background and a new focus on thecompany’s master brand mean that Nortel’s head oftrademarks, Alex Brkich, is able to run a tight ship thatdoes not stint on the quality of service it provides.

The battle for Budweiser

It’s a story that involves royal dynasties, new worldsettlers, the collapse of Eastern European communismand a place that some say doesn’t exist. But at itsheart, the interminable dispute between brewersAnheuser-Busch and Budejovicky Budvar over thename Budweiser is all about trademarks.

Canada’s largest trademark practices

On the basis that trademark filings indicate – to someextent – how much trademark work firms handle, wetake a look at the top 20 Canadian filers of trademarkapplications and at their trademark practices.

Inside Canada’s trademarks central

Trademarks in Canada are administered by theTrademarks Branch of the Canadian IntellectualProperty Office. Current challenges include dealingwith delays in the opposition procedure and assessingthe potential benefits of signing up to several majorinternational trademark agreements.

Inside the EU IP Enforcement Directive

Much is being made of the implementation in theEuropean Union of the IP Enforcement Directive.But what will the directive change in practice?



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