About Us

World Trademark Review (WTR) is the trusted source of worldwide news, analysis and data on the management of trademarks. It keeps you up to speed with the global issues and strategies that matter, giving you the detail and depth you need to operate successfully.

WTR keeps you informed with the latest news, research and opinion, so you can stay connected, advise with confidence and compete effectively.

WTR gives you critical insight into the market landscape with a wide range of regular reports and surveys, helping you monitor your performance against your peers. Navigate the world’s trademark landscape with our technical library, collaborative community research, and our regular summary of popular content and international reports from the world’s leading law firms.

Gain critical insight from key figures with WTR Global Leaders; explore the likely direction of travel for the industry, with detailed analysis of the potential impact and opportunities via our elite panel report series; and access and analyse the world’s leading trademark practices with WTR 1000,and the top corporate practitioners with WTR 300.

WTR is embedded in the global trademark community. Our comprehensive news and insight, as well as in-depth guidance, is curated to meet your specific requirements. Which is why in-house experts and private practitioners around the world rely on WTR to stay informed on the developments and issues that matter.

WTR 1000 research

For enquiries about the current edition of the WTR 1000, please contact our research editor. Details of how to participate in the research process are available here.

Meet the team

Meet the WTR editorial team

Clare Bolton

Content director

Trevor Little

Managing editor

Lise Charles

Editor, WTR Daily

Tim Lince

Special projects editor

Liz Rutherford-Johnson

Commercial editor

Joyce Ng

Senior Reporter

Sam Lovatt


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