WTR 02

WTR 02

WTR 02

CAFTA changes trademark regimes across Central America

While some argue that the inclusion of external
IP policy in US trade agreements puts added pressure
on negotiating nations, the fact remains that this
strategy works since it protects US interests and
benefits local economies. The agreement signed with
the Dominican Republic and Central American
countries is a case in point



Indian courts’ change of course is good news for trademark owners

With 1 billion potential consumers and awell-established legal framework, India has longbeen viewed as an important emerging market.However, it is only since the judiciary shook off itsconservative approach in the past few years thatreal progress has been made

The changing face of Aussie rules

The economic downturns that affected Europe andthe United States in the last decade have largely passedAustralia by. This has been good news for the country’strademark practitioners

ICI: leading the pack in trademark and brand management

With 80 years’ experience in protecting its intellectualproperty, ICI is no slouch when it comes to lookingafter its brands. Trademark counsel Paul Johnstonunfolds a tale of fast-paced product lines, emotivemarkets and a very special dog…

It’s fun to stay at the INTA

Practitioners go because of the opportunities tomeet their clients or agents, network and updatetheir trademark education. But when it comes downto it, what makes the INTA meeting so special andsuccessful is the people themselves

Down under, trademarks are on the up

With record levels of trademark applications, this is atesting time for Australia’s national IP office – butlegislative, policy and technological innovation shouldsee IP Australia pass with flying colours

The end of the affair

The latest court decision in the dispute over theAPPLE mark and logo has thrown light on coexistenceagreements and the possibility of litigation betweenparties, even when the parties had hoped to avoidsuch disputes by entering into an agreement inthe first place

A survey of success

Proving actual dilution before the US courts is a trickyproposition. Even the lower standard of likelihood ofdilution provided under the pending FederalTrademark Dilution Revision Act will not guaranteesuccess if plaintiffs do not get to grips with the basicprinciples of survey evidence


Trademark managementTranslating trademarks: speaking the local language

As more Asian economies open up andbrand owners start looking to Asia notonly for production but also for marketsfor their products, it is increasinglyimportant for brand owners tounderstand the interface that theirbrand will have with the local languageand culture

Brands from the frontlineProtecting the unprotectable

When it comes to choosing a productname, marketeers want somethingsufficiently descriptive of the productfor consumers to make the connection,while trademark practitioners wantsomething they can protect. Can theseexpectations ever meet?

Counterfeiting perspectivesMixed messages cause confusion in the United Kingdom

Many people in the United Kingdom,it seems, are not convinced that fightingIP crime is a priority. Some of them maybe advising the government

The view onlinePhloundering phor remedies

False identification through the onlineuse of well-known trademarks is apersistent, if not growing, problem.Difficulties relating to detection,jurisdiction and speed of occurrencemean that, in some respects, the law isill equipped to deal with the problem




A European success story

It is 10 years since the Community trademark was launched. Since then,it has helped transform European trademark practice. Experiencedpractitioners from the United Kingdom, Germany, Poland and Italydiscuss the impact it has had

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