WTR 05

WTR 05

WTR 05

Counterfeiters hit hard

On August 25 2006 a US district court sentenced two
Chinese nationals to 97 months and 87 months
respectively in federal prison – a rare instance in
which individuals convicted of trademark
counterfeiting have been sentenced to significant jail
time. Counsel for the plaintiffs tells the story of how
an ambitious and complex operation had a successful
outcome for the brand owners

Michael Holihan


Counterfeiting perspectivesMissing the point

As IP crime moves up the politicalagenda, no one seems to be willing todiscuss the real reason why activitiessuch as counterfeiting are so attractive

Trademark managementPlaying with the oddities of the EU system

National trademarks within the EuropeanUnion supposedly offer the same level ofprotection as the same sign registeredas a Community trademark, albeit for alimited territory. But some oddities in thesystem mean that, in the case of Benelux,a national registration may offer morepossibilities than a Community one

Brands from the frontline

The tendency to use descriptive terms todesignate new products is something allin-house counsel must work against, butthe problem is particularly acute in thefood industry, where marketeers justifysuch use by saying that consumers wantto know where their food comes from

The view onlineKeying in on potential liability

The widespread practice of ‘keying’(ie, selling keywords to advertisers) raisestrademark liability issues that remainunresolved in most countries


Why Mexico matters

Mexico has a developing market for legal services inrelation to trademarks, which has doubled over the past10 years. Filings from foreign mark owners have beenthe mainstay of business for many of the big players,but the likely ratification of the Madrid Protocol andother changes may see a change of emphasis

The changing face of CTM litigation

An ECJ decision issued in July 2006 has brought an endto forum shopping in cross-border patent litigation inEurope. There could be major consequences for CTMowners too

A Russian revolution

Although IP laws were among the first statutes tobe adopted after the disintegration of the SovietUnion, they did not work overnight. The localeconomy needed to grow first and people needed toget used to a new reality. But the perception remainsthat the current situation still reflects the early daysof the new regime, even though significant progresshas been made in the field of IP protection

Securitization moves up the agenda

Two major US securitization transactions involvingsizeable trademark royalty components may finallyprovide the impetus for the lagging IP securitizationmarket to take off

Building a strategy for shape mark protection

The LEGO Group has become theleading producer of constructiontoys worldwide thanks to itsfamous rectangular plastic brick.But protecting the shape ofthe toy is proving tricky

Trademark law gets Brazilian treatment

The landscape of trademark practice in Brazil ischanging rapidly, with the national IP office constantlyadopting measures to try and improve trademarkprosecution – often with mixed results – and variousstate and federal bodies moving up a few gears in thefight against counterfeiting

Keeping up with the neighbours

Mexico is a big country so it is little surprise that it hasa national IP office to match. With four regional officesand an unusually broad remit, the Mexican Instituteof Industrial Property is leading the way in protectingand promoting the country’s trademarks


The truth about trademarks in China

Probably no country in the world has had its trademark regime moreheavily scrutinized than China. Even so, it can be hard to separate factfrom fiction. In this roundtable, four experts give it a go

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