WTR 06

WTR 06

WTR 06

TTAB rules changes still on the horizon

Those seeking to enforce rights in trademarks and
service marks in the United States often choose the
Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. It is a forum with
fewer procedural requirements and less rigorous rules
than federal courts, which means that, at least initially,
costs are nowhere near as high as those incurred
during federal litigation. However, some changes to
the Rules of Practice proposed by the board may
change the dynamics of such proceedings

Thomas W Brooke


Dealing with the German boom

The German Patent and Trademark Office faces anumber of challenges, including a surge in applicationsand the need to tackle backlogs. But senior staff areconfident they are up to the job

Stopping telemarketers stealing your customers

The UK High Court has shed some much-needed lighton the slightly dubious methods employed bytelemarketers that seek to piggy-back on anotherbrand owner's success by blurring the distinctionbetween themselves and the brand owner. The rulingprovides guidance on the extent to which such tradersare expected to go in distinguishing their productsand services from those of other traders to ensure theystay on the right side of the law

Europe’s trademark powerhouse bounces back

Germany is an important player in the global economyand the home of a significant number of high-profilebrands, but in recent years the market for trademarklegal services has slowed down. Now, however, it lookslike things could be improving

The European name game

The blurring of traditional distinctions betweentrademark attorneys and lawyers in Europe meansfinding the right person for the job can be aconfusing task. The situation is not helped by thenomenclature that different professionals use

Learning to surf the licensing wave

Each company has a different trademark and brand story to tell. For the Extreme Group, which is just reaching its teens, the story is all about building through intensive licensing

IP infringement penalties ruling will have sweeping effect

Late last year, the ECJ issued its first judgmentregarding the penalties for IP infringement. The rulingoutlines the conditions for the imposition ofprohibitive injunctions against unauthorized use ofCommunity trademarks, and both the outcome and thereasoning of the court will be of interest to rightsholders across the European Union

More than meets the iPhone

The dispute over the name iPhone has attracted a lotof attention because of the fame of the partiesinvolved. Besides offering the entertainment of seeingtwo giants locked in combat, the dispute providessome worthwhile trademark lessons

Keeping your house in order

Brand owners tend to focus their fight againstcounterfeiting on external actions. While this iscrucial, they should also make sure they take allnecessary measures internally to avoid giving ahelping hand to potential infringers

The road to victory in Shanghai

The decision by the Higher People’s Court of Shanghai to uphold claims brought by Starbucks against an infringerfor trademark infringement and unfair competition has thrown light on the long-standing conflict betweentrademark rights and proprietary rights in enterprise names in China. The decision also demonstrates the Chineseauthorities’ determination to step up their efforts in affording greater protection to well-known foreign brands


The view onlineKeying under French law

Some internet business models, such as theuse of trademarks in keyword advertising,collide with the law of certain jurisdictions.This is the case in France, where the courtshave issued numerous decisions againstthe providers of keying services

Trademark managementThe whole truth and nothing but the truth

The consequences of an applicant orregistrant making a materialmisrepresentation of fact before the USPatent and Trademark Office that it knew orshould have known was false or misleadingcan be severe. If proven, the applicationor registration will be deemed void in itsentirety. Thus, a clear understanding ofboth how to avoid a claim of fraud andhow to deal with potentially problematicapplications or registrations is imperativefor any trademark professional

Brands from the frontlineBrands online: the importance of a domain name policy

As the Internet plays an increasinglyimportant role for businesses, it is crucialthat these develop a domain name policyas part of their brand policy. And thatpolicy must provide not only registrationrules, but also management rules

Counterfeiting perspectivesTaking on Joe Public

Until consumers are convinced thatbuying counterfeit goods is wrong, otherinitiatives designed to halt the trade infakes are bound to fail

Industry insight

Industry InsightA better path to IP management: the top 10 trademark tips

Navigating the world of intellectualproperty can be difficult and timeconsuming.Improper trademarkmanagement can distract from your corebusiness, result in wasted resources and putvaluable trademarks at risk. Corporationsand outside counsel need experiencedguidance and a clearly defined roadmap.

Country correspondent


Many countries have similar systems for the registration and enforcement of trademarks. However, there willinevitably be differences, often borne out of the different jurisprudential bases on which these systems arebased. This article looks at trademark enforcement in Australia and highlights some aspects of the Australianlegislation which differ from the US system. It also examines the main border protection methods available inAustralia to trademark owners




Making sense of the Internet

A panel of experts discuss some of the problems that trademarkowners now face online and look ahead to what may develop overthe coming years

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