WTR 78

WTR 78

WTR 78

How much bigger can the brand behemoths grow?

This year’s Brand Finance Global 500 ranking saw large companies in key sectors continue their upward brand value trajectory. For many, this is a cause for concern.

David Haigh


Toy industry shows positive brand growth as companies adapt to reach untapped markets

The toy industry has weathered shifts in the market better than traditional retailers, with brands expanding globally and entering the entertainment space.

Asahi’s acquisition of Fuller’s shows value of brands in overseas expansion

This Japanese company's purchase is only one of a number of deals in the industry, with key players bolstering their premium beer portfolios.

How collaboration in the Swiss watch industry keeps brands one step ahead of infringers

Vincent Stauffer, trademark counsel at the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry, speaks exclusively to WTR about his industry's fight against fakes and struggle to protect Swissness rights worldwide.

How Discovery wields a range of rights to fight piracy: exclusive interview

At Discovery Inc, anti-piracy efforts go beyond the sending of enforcement letters and filing lawsuits, with trademark rights a key weapon in the company’s armoury, explains senior vice president of intellectual property and litigation David Modzeleski.

What the future holds in store for brand professionals: exclusive insights from the 2019 INTA president

David Lossignol, the new president of INTA, outlines the association’s priorities for the coming year and calls on the trademark community to facilitate positive change in the brand ecosystem.

Cost control starts with knowledge: insights into benchmarking fees and costs

When managing the brands of hundreds of companies, it can be frustrating that the actual costs of securing and protecting rights are effectively opaque. In such an environment, benchmarking comes into its own.

IP Office Innovation Ranking 2019

In exclusive research, WTR looks at the innovative non-core tools and services being offered by national IP registries around the world.

An IP awareness revolution

In an exclusive article, the director general of the French National Institute of Industrial Property explains how the office has been creating cutting-edge industrial property awareness programmes across France – and why this is such a priority.

AI: supercharging IP offices

Many IP offices around the world are using artificial intelligence to conduct their work more efficiently. But this technology has the potential to fundamentally transform the user experience at registries.

The data gap: what trademark practitioners want and how service providers are adapting

An exploration of what users feel is missing from data platforms and how these service providers are evolving their tools to capitalise on Big Data.

Battling online counterfeiters: four key considerations for litigation

While litigation against counterfeiters on e-commerce sites can have distinct benefits over other methods of enforcement, it is not a one-size-fits-all option.

Illegal online pharmacies: the risks to patient health and brand reputation

Illegal online pharmacies are a growing global problem for patient safety, public health and brand reputation. Combating this danger requires comprehensive, coordinated and consistent action from stakeholders around the world.

Winning compensation through compulsory enforcement in China

A court victory, while welcome, is often just the start of the battle against infringers, with compensation hard to recover. However, there are tools available to rights holders seeking to enforce judgments.

The evolving role of online brand protection

In the developing digital age, brand owners are at risk from a multitude of online threats. As technologies become more innovative, so too must brand protection strategies.

Jurisdiction in domain name disputes: cutting through the fog

Legal practitioners, registrants and brand owners are often forced to navigate the online landscape in low visibility. Once you acknowledge the foggy conditions, you can adjust your approach to avoid any wrong turns.


Why the resiliency of tobacco brands could encourage the spread of plain packaging

In our latest opinion column, we observe that plain packaging is not a death knell for tobacco companies – a fact that could embolden legislators to extend plain packaging to other industries.


Trademark-related quotes, opinions and observations from around the globe.


The Gleissner Files 2019: IP office reveals staggering number of trademark applications

MARQUES warns of severe consequences of UDRP review “based upon bias”

Clarivate Analytics announces $4.2 billion merger deal

Rights holders warned to prepare for new Myanmar trademark regime

Supermac’s trademark victory over McDonald’s is a “timely reminder” on evidence use

Industry moves and mergers

Global View

Country correspondent

Financial brand protection: it is about the money

Financial companies must balance what is distinctive and recognisable in a brand with what is descriptive and easy to understand. Moreover, defensive registrations can provide greater protection against brand damage.

The digital revolution and the future of India’s financial service brands

India's banks operate in one of the world's most active fintech markets. As fraudsters try to take advantage, financial companies must be ready to stop brand infringement.

All in the name: 101 ways to avoid having a weak mark

Until recently, Italian banks traditionally had highly descriptive names but fell victim to the inherent weakness of those names as trademarks. Banks are now seeking more distinctive names to improve their image and strengthen their brand.

Challenge, reform and opportunity for Mexican business – a legal perspective

Mexico’s unique business position makes it an attractive investment location. While this brings challenges, it also signals opportunity with the reform of the Industrial Property Law.

Protect and enforce IP rights or risk wasting brand investment

Brand registration alone is insufficient. Financial and professional services need to take a realistic view of the unauthorised use of brands and ensure that their trademarks are not diluted and abused.

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