
Over a four month-period, from September to December 2023, WTR surveyed the global trademark community to elicit nominations for individuals who should be considered for inclusion.

The suggested qualities for nominators to consider included innovation in the prosecution and/or enforcement of trademarks, successful portfolio exploitation and management, determination and diligence in promoting efficient cooperation with external partners, engagement with the wider trademark and business communities, dedication to fostering a deep understanding of trademarks both within and outside their organisations, and effective oversight of internal processes and teams.

Only individuals who received multiple nominations from outside of their own organisation were long-listed for consideration. The WTR team then analysed the qualifying recommendations and engaged in additional research before deciding on the final list.

The research was an editorially led project designed to shine a spotlight on the industry’s elite. There was no cost associated with making nominations or for inclusion in the final list. Those that made the final list will be invited to submit full biographies for inclusion in the guide. Again, there is no cost associated with doing so.

While the results were based on extensive objective research, with qualifying individuals requiring multiple community nominations, the final decisions remain the subjective opinions of the WTR team.

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