Venable LLP

Venable LLP is a firm of trusted advisers serving businesses, organizations, and individuals in many of the most important aspects of their work.

Our professionals immerse themselves in our clients’ work to fully understand their biggest opportunities and challenges while helping them navigate an increasingly complex legal and regulatory environment. Today, with more than 850 professionals delivering services around the world, we are helping our clients connect quickly and effectively to the experience, insights, and advice that is key to achieving their most pressing objectives.

Cultivated over 121 years, Venable’s capabilities span virtually every industry and all areas of regulatory and government affairs, corporate and business law, intellectual property, and complex litigation. Many of our professionals are former regulators, senior government staffers, state attorneys general, and members of Congress, which brings an invaluable depth of experience to our firm. At the same time, we foster a diverse culture that helps ensure our ability to attract, retain, and elevate the most talented professionals in the country, who work on behalf of our clients.

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