Yimeng Lu

Yimeng Lu

Beijing Sanyou Intellectual Property Agency Ltd
[email protected]

Mr Yimeng Lu has a comprehensive ability to assist clients in filing Chinese trademark applications and safeguard their relevant rights, and abundant experience handling overseas trademark business.

In terms of Chinese trademark business, he can independently and completely handle complex cases, including many procedures such as the applications for registration, search, refusal and review, opposition against published trademarks, declarations on invalidation, trademarks not being approved for registration, defence for cancelling applications against registered trademarks for non-use for three or five consecutive years, evidence exchange, etc. Meanwhile, he sophisticatedly serves big customers from various industries, including but not limited to domestic major dairy companies, fast-moving consumer goods companies and leading enterprises in internet industries. He can precisely realise clients’ requirements and needs, and wholeheartedly assist clients to own and safeguard their trademark rights.

In terms of overseas trademark business, he has served many domestic major enterprises. He accurately understands principals’ intentions and masters related conditions concerning trademark practices in popular countries, which lays a foundation for giving timely feedback to clients. He has assisted a famous domestic dairy company in applying for hundreds of trademarks referred to different classes in over 20 foreign countries. In complex cases, he has assisted a domestic famous electronics technology corporation in obtaining trademark rights by overseas negotiation and actively filing the application of opposition invalidation.

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