WTR 20

WTR 20

WTR 20

The name game

The Uniform Doman Name Dispute Resolution Policy
(UDRP) celebrates its 10th anniversary this year at a
time when the entire domain name system is on the
cusp of change. Now seems the perfect moment to
reflect on the achievements of the UDRP over the past
10 years and to assess the challenges that lie ahead for
trademark owners as the Internet opens up to new
generic top-level domains (gTLDs). In this two-part
special, domain name experts from Silverberg Goldman
& Bikoff first provide a detailed analysis of landmark
rulings issued under the UDRP since its creation; WTR’s
Adam Smith then examines the latest controversy
surrounding the expansion of the gTLD space.


Country correspondent

Non-traditional trademarks

Non-traditional signs enjoy broadprotection in the United States as long asthey can function as trademarks.Nonetheless, proving acquireddistinctiveness may be challenging forthose signs, such as product designs, thatlack inherent distinctiveness

Non-traditional trademarks

The Indian Intellectual Property Office isputting together a manual on trademarkpractice and procedure which providesthorough guidelines on the requirements toregister non-traditional marks. This articleexamines the latest proposals in detail.

Non-traditional trademarks

Although the definition of ‘trademark’under the Industrial Property Law isrestrictive, most non-traditional signs canenjoy a degree of protection in Brazil

Non-traditional trademarks

Even though the traditional view thattrademarks can consist only of visualsigns lingers in Romania, shapes, soundsand colour combinations may beregistered as trademarks. Case lawregarding other non-traditional marks,however, remains limited.

Non-traditional trademarks

Spanish trademark law and practice arebound by EU regulations and case law.However, the Spanish Patent andTrademark Office is even more reluctantthan the EU trademark bodies to registerunconventional marks.

Non-traditional trademarks

The definition of ‘trademark’ in Mexicanlaw is restricted to signs that can beperceived visually. In practice, theTrademark Office narrows this definitionfurther – for instance, by not grantingregistration to colours unless they arecombined with other distinctive elements.

Non-traditional trademarks

The protection afforded to non-traditional trademarks in Benelux is governed in large part by EU regulations and case law. However, Benelux courts are often prepared to grant protection where the EU instances are not.

Non-traditional trademarks

In principle, any sign that is distinctiveand can be represented graphically may beregistered as a trademark in Denmark, butthese requirements often prove to beinsurmountable hurdles for non-traditionalmarks.

Non-traditional trademarks

Three-dimensional trademarks can be registered in China as long as they are distinctive and non-functional. However, trademark owners should be aware that similar shapes may already have been registered as patent designs.

Non-traditional trademarks

The conservative approach of the Patent and Trademark Office and the courts to the protection of non-traditionaltrademarks, as well as limited national case law on the issue, mean that much remains to be clarified with regard to the scope of protection of such signs.

Non-traditional trademarks

Israeli law recognizes a broad range of signs as being registrable as trademarks. However, the Trademark Office’s practice on this matter is rather restrictive.

Non-traditional trademarks

Three-dimensional shapes can beprotected under trademark, industrialdesign and/or copyright law in Canada.To obtain immediate and comprehensiverights, brand owners should consider anintegrated strategy combining all threeprotection schemes.

Non-traditional trademarks

Part IV of Russia’s Civil Code provides for theregistration of an array of non-traditionaltrademarks. But graphical representationmay be an issue in some cases.

Non-traditional trademarks

Although a number of non-traditionalsigns are protectable as trademarks underEU law, Portuguese law and practice arerather more restrictive.

Non-traditional trademarks

are, by and large,protectable in Norway, with the restrictionsimposed across the European Union alsoapplicable in this non-EU country.


Trademark managementIs there a fiduciary claim in relation to licences?

Besides the usual, already daunting rightsand obligations involved in a licenceagreement, a recent decision revisits theclaim that a fiduciary relationship mayexit between licensors and licensees

Counterfeiting perspectivesTime to push through unified trademark law in Gulf region

The penalties imposed on counterfeitersin the Gulf region are not stringentenough to act as a deterrent. Brandowners are calling for a rapidimplementation of the Unified GulfCooperation Council Trademark Law tohelp them in their fight

The view onlineClarification on keyword advertising now urgent

Courts from five different EU jurisdictionshave referred questions to the ECJ withregard to keyword advertising. Furtherguidance on the issue is vital


News in brief

New guidelines on well-known marks released by China’s top court

As part of its continuing effortsto protect well-known marks,the Adjudication Committee ofChina’s Supreme People’s Courthas issued an “Opinion onCertain Issues Concerning theProtection of Well-Known Marksin Civil Disputes”.

L’Oréal at centre of key European decisions

Cosmetics giant L’Oréal wasinvolved in three eagerlyawaited decisions from courtsin Europe in the past few weeks– but with mixed results.

Landmark US parallel imports decision issued

The US Court of Appeals for theSecond Circuit has ruled thatunique product codes (UPC) areprotected under trademark law(Zino Davidoff SA v CVSCorporation (Case 07-2872-cv,June 19 2006)). It is abreakthrough in the fightagainst counterfeit and greymarketgoods.


.trademark: the battle over the new domain space

Innovations appear online daily. The next big thingwill undoubtedly be the expansion of the generictop-level domain space next year, but brand ownersfear that the step could undermine their rights.WTR joins the debate

Spanish revolution

The global downturn and changes to domestic practiceand procedure have altered Spain's prosecution andenforcement landscape significantly. WTR takes adetailed look at the effects on the Spanish legal market

Preserving prestige

With demand for luxury goods tumbling, many brandowners are looking to licensing as a means of boostingincome. A recent decision from the ECJ could helpthem maintain a firmer grip on their rights

On the defensive

In the current economic climate is defensiveregistration a proactive means of securingprotection for global brands or a risky venture inlight of well-established use requirements?

The UDRP turns 10

A review of the UDRP’s defining characteristics and keydecisions is in order as the policy prepares to celebrateits 10th anniversary at a time of intense speculationregarding the future direction of the Internet

An insight into China’s top trademark cases

Among the top 10 cases of the year selected by theChinese People’s Supreme Court, five were of keysignificance to trademark owners. The selectioncriteria left many puzzled, but a new analysis showsthat each decision is remarkable in its own way

Awards night

Over 150 senior IP professionals attended the thirdWTR Industry Awards (www.Industry-Awards.com)at the stylish Greg Kucera Gallery in Seattle onMay 19 2009. Representatives from the nominatedteams mingled with leading private practice lawyersat the exclusive champagne reception in honourof the world’s top in-house trademark counsel.WTR wishes to thank all nominees and sponsorsfor helping to make the Industry Awards 2009 sucha successful event.

Sleepless in Seattle

The International Trademark Association’s (INTA) annual meeting isstill the most important – and busiest – event in the trademarkcommunity’s calendar. This year the conference returned to Seattlefor the “greenest annual meeting” ever, as Katrina Burchell, head oftrademarks at Unilever and co-chair of the meeting, explained at theopening ceremony. “We live in a competitive world,” Burchell said.“Trademarks are key to winning that battle, so brands are jumpingon the environmental bandwagon.” INTA leapt on board too thisyear, with its special theme of corporate social responsibility. In thissection, WTR looks at some of the meeting’s many highlights, sonumerous that one delegate said she was “too busy to sleep!”.

New directions for laches defence

The laches defence can prove an effective weapon forstriking out a trademark infringement claim in theUnited States. However, a controversial ruling fromthe Ninth Circuit may have served to raise theevidentiary burden placed on defendants

Industry Awards 2009

On May 19 2009 WTR announced the winnersof its third Industry Awards at a ceremony inSeattle. The awards are designed to recognizethe vital work done by in-house trademarkcounsel, and identify the teams and individualsthat are performing their functions to thehighest possible standards. The following pagesfeature profiles of the winners

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