Region: Asia-Pacific

J-Phone triumphs in landmark cybersquatting case

For the first time ever, a Japanese court has awarded damages in a domainname dispute. Whether the precedent in the <i>J-PHONE Case</i> will be followedin future is questionable, however, as Japanese law is based on the civil lawsystem.

03 July 2001

Product trademarks to be allocated top-level domains

Australia's domain name allocation policy will undergo substantial changelater this year. One of the new requirements for registration - that there mustbe a close and substantial connection between the domain name and the licenceholder - has given rise to a number of concerns.

03 July 2001

China takes new path with Ikea landmark

A landmark decision involving Ikea sends a positive message to ownersof valuable brands wishing to extend their operations into China. Combined withChina's efforts to implement dispute resolution and enforcement procedures thatare in line with those of ICANN, this development is certain to encourage commercialactivity in the country. Connie Carnabuci and Minny Siu of Mallesons Stephen Jaquesin Hong Kong explain.

05 June 2001

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