Global IP Benchmarking Survey: have your say in pioneering initiative uniting WTR and IAM audiences

Global IP Benchmarking Survey: have your say in pioneering initiative uniting WTR and IAM audiences

In an new collaboration, WTR and sister platform IAM are working together on a new project that aims to take the pulse of the global IP industry. The Global IP Benchmarking Survey will combine the insights of trademark and patent professionals to offer a holistic view of the challenges and opportunities arising across the IP industry, as well as examining the potentially diverging views of each community.

The combined reach of WTR and IAM opens the survey to a diverse audience, encompassing both trademark and patent practitioners from around the world. Participants are invited to share their experiences of – and perspectives on – topics ranging from ongoing industry challenges to work-life balance and diversity in the workplace. The survey also poses specific questions for each practice area, to ensure that our audiences' unique insights on prominent issues (eg, counterfeiting for trademark practitioners) are also included. 

The Global IP Benchmarking Survey is designed to be accessible for all users, and should take less than 10 minutes to complete. Participation is free and completely anonymous; the information submitted will remain confidential and will not be used for commercial purposes. 

The survey builds on the legacy of WTR and IAM’s long-running benchmarking surveys, which have become a trusted source of intelligence on industry trends and developments over the past decade. This new project aims to expand on these areas to provide valuable new insights.

It offers a unique opportunity for IP professionals to voice their concerns, share their successes, and help steer the direction of the industry. By participating, you are contributing to a valuable resource that benefits the entire IP community.

To take part in the Global IP Benchmarking Survey, please access the survey form here.

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