Data Analysis

Assessing the overhaul at OHIM

<i>WTR</i>’s exclusive survey of the CTM system explores the reaction from leading filing agents to the cut in feesand gauges OHIM’s performance over the past year

03 September 2009

Preparing for the storm

<i>WTR</i>’s exclusive Global Trademark Survey is agroundbreaking attempt to calibrate the trueimpact of the financial crisis on trademarkprofessionals worldwide. The results serve as awarning that today’s challenging market looksset to become even tougher

06 May 2009

Hanoi Anti-counterfeit and Trademark Protection Association launched

Prompted by rampant counterfeiting and a number of recent cases that resulted in death or serious illness, the Hanoi Anti-counterfeit and Trademark Protection Association has been launched to nationwide press coverage. The organization's activities aim to protect both consumers and trademark owners.

04 November 2008

OHIM: A year of change

This year will be remembered as an important one for OHIM. Examination times are likely to start falling significantly and the promised cut in fees seems to be on the horizon at last. Although justifiably proud of its achievements this year, the management at OHIM is well aware that more needs to be done

04 September 2008

Genoa court clarifies ECJ Montex decision in patent case

In a case involving patents, a court in Genoa has given useful guidance on the interpretation of the European Court of Justice decision in Montex Holdings Ltd v Diesel SpA. Among other things, the Genoa court decision clarifies that the actual destination of goods for the purposes of a preliminary seizure and injunction can be demonstrated by means of documentary evidence, such as the relevant shipping documentation.

26 July 2007

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